Frequently Asked Questions

What is the maximum number of residents at Tanglewood?

Tanglewood's maximum population is 12 residents.

Does Tanglewood take men or women?

Tanglewood accepts both men and women.

Will a resident at Tanglewood have a roommate?

No. All residents at Tanglewood have private rooms.

What is the staff to patient ratio at Tanglewood?

From 6 a.m. until 9 p.m., there are two direct care staff members on duty to attend to the needs of 12 residents, making the direct care staff to patient ratio 1:6. In addition to direct care staff, Tanglewood's manager is on duty at the facility at least 40 hours per week. The owners are also at the facility approximately 40 hours per week. After 9 p.m., there is one direct care staff member on duty at Tanglewood with a second staff member on-call.

If a resident's condition worsen, does that resident have to move to nursing home or another facility?

No. We understand that residents with Alzhiemer's disease and other forms of dementia will decline and we strive to do everything possible to keep residents at Tanglewood until they pass away. We hope that the move to Tanglewood is the last move a family has to make. Over the years we have been very successful at achieving this goal.

What does the base fee include at Tanglewood?

For a list of included services, just click here.

What activities are available at Tanglewood?

For a list of included activities, just click here.

Can a resident continue to see their own doctor?

Yes. Tanglewood does however, recommend developing a relationship with a visiting physician who can take over a resident's care when the resident can no longer travel to see an office-based physician.

Do families have to take residents home for the holidays?

Although families are certainly free to take residents home at any time, residents can remain at Tanglewood for the holidays if they wish. The facility is decorated for major holidays andTanglewood staff will prepare a wonderful holiday dinner and celebrate the holiday with the residents.

Are resident's families responsible for obtaining and refilling medications?

No. These responsibilities are assumed by Tanglewood and included in the base monthly fee.

If a resident has difficulty traveling, are there doctors and other medical providers who will come to Tanglewood to treat a resident?

Yes. Physicians, nurses and therapists will visit residents at Tanglewood.

If a resident needs hospice care at the end of life, do hospice companies come to Tanglewood to treat residents?

Yes. With the help of hospice, most late-stage residents pass away peacefully at Tanglewood, in their own room surrounded by family or friends.

Will a podiatrist come to Tanglewood to treat residents?

Yes. A podiatrist visits Tanglewood approximately every six weeks to care for the residents' feet and to attend to any foot problems that may develop.

Can a resident bring their own furniture to Tanglewood?

Yes. Although Tanglewood provides residents with a fully furnished room, the resident may bring some or all of their own furniture to outfit their room. Residents are also free to decorate the walls of their room as they wish.

Can residents bring their own pets?

Unfortunately, no.  But residents' families are welcomed to bring pets to Tanglewood to visit and Tanglewood does have an active pet therapy program for residents.

Can Tanglewood accommodate a resident who has diabetes?

Yes. Tanglewood can provide a sugar-free diet to diabetic residents. Tanglewood staff can also conduct blood sugar tests and administer subcutaneous insulin shots for residents.

Does Tanglewood require residents to sign a long-term contract?

No. Residents stay at Tanglewood on a month to month basis. If a resident or their family need to move from Tanglewood, they need only give 30 days written notice.

Should a resident bring money or other valuables to Tanglewood?

No. A resident will not need money at Tanglewood. Any expenses required on a field trip will be paid for by Tanglewood. Please only bring valuables which are absolutely necessary such as dentures, eyeglasses and hearing aides. If a resident wears an expensive ring, please exchange it for a costume replica.

Can Tanglewood accommodate wheel-chair bound residents?

Yes. Tanglewood is completely handicapped accessible and can easily accommodate residents in wheelchairs. There is no additional charge for residents in wheelchairs provided the resident can bear their own weight and, with the help of one staff member, stand and pivot during a transfer. If a resident cannot bear their own weight and requires two staff members to assist during transfers, a $300/month upgrade charge will be assessed. The charge is imposed because of the disproportional amount of staff time required by this condition.

What if a resident becomes incontinent?

Almost all dementia residents become incontinent. Despite frequent prompting from staff, eventually dementia residents will have to use an undergarment. When this occurs, a $300/month upgrade charge will be imposed due to the disproportional amount of staff time required by this condition. In addition, the costs of undergarments will be passed along and will appear on the monthly bill.

Will Medicare pay for long-term care at Tanglewood Assisted Living?

No. Medicare pays for many types of medical care for residents over the age of 65. Although Medicare will pay for short term rehabilitation stays (generally less than 100 days) at nursing homes, it will not pay for long-term care. 

When does Tanglewood bill for services?

Tanglewood sends out bills on or about the 16th of every month. The bill will include the monthly fee and any upgrades for the upcoming month. It will also include any incidental expenses incurred by the resident.

Is the security deposit refundable?

Yes. The security deposit is 100% refundable less any unpaid rent or damage.

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